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    Have you ever heard the saying ‘everything looks easier from the outside looking in?’ If you are new or transitioning to natural, I'm sure you can fully appreciate the realness of this statement. I'm sure that like me, many of you started your natural hair journey spending a considerable amount of time researching, following and admiring several persons who were also on the same journey that you were about to embark on. After all, youtube is the naturalistas best friend! I am almost certain (because I can identify) you spend countless hours daydreaming of how your hair would look when you finally got to that stage. Am I right or am I wrong? Then when you finally got to that stage it

    I was always fascinated with hair… my own hair as well as others hair…I loved looking at (sometimes touching) other people’s hair. I vividly remember one day back in high school, standing in a cafeteria line I felt the urge to touch another girl’s ponytail… omg, it looked so thick and luscious! Her ponytail was golden and tailbone length…I just couldn’t help myself. She was one form under me. I remember without thinking, reaching out and touching her ponytail. I learned a very important lesson that day…some people don’t like their hair touched by strangers. Lol. She turned around and with the most piercing eyes ever, stared angrily at me for about 10 seconds. I was so mortified I apologized

    Oh how I love to touch you oh how I love to caress you, My kinks, my curls, my loves. Short hair, long hair, good hair, great hair. Twists and turns, waves and twirls. My Hair my love. You have always been with me, Though I have not been as loyal as I should I’ve tried to change you, but it’s never been good

    When you think of a professional person, what comes to mind? A particular type of attire and dress code, neatly cut and fitted apparel, heels or closed toe flats, a particular type of language and speech, you can even visualize what a professional environment might look like. These things are all associated with the term professional. What about hair? When you consider professional images, what type of hair do you envision? Chances are your mind automatically reverts to images of primly pressed, slicked back buns or free flowing evenly trimmed tresses. Right?

    Devoted to serving the natural hair community with the necessary products, tools and advice to make the most informed decisions about our hair.
